Simplify marketing to the point where any business can hit the ground running


Why we created Growf

Every company, regardless of its industry, has a story to tell.


But the real challenge? Translating your product or service into a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. It's not just about showcasing features; it's about connecting those features to tangible benefits, painting a picture of how they can improve someones day-to-day life.


Enter Growf. It's not just another platform; it's our dream of making marketing a piece of cake for businesses, big or small, from any sector. Be it tech, retail, construction, or unicorn farming, Growf is here to help you communicate with your audience in a way that makes them nod and say, "They get me".


Meet the people behind Growf

We're two brothers – Bart and Benjamin. Bart's the tech whiz, always tinkering and perfecting as Growf's CTO. Benjamin, on the other hand, wears the CEO hat, making sure everything runs smoothly.

Benjamin van der Meeren

Benjamin van der Meeren


The guy who keeps all the wheels turning smoothly.

Has a background in sales and management - and is now responsible for commerce and operations.

bart pencil 3

Bart van der Meeren


The technical mastermind behind Growf.

Worked in marketing for years, but eventually found out that he likes programming even better.